Colonel Hades works closely with General Uranus in Olympus' regular army. Like Uranus, he has a great disturst of Bioroids. However, his distrust twisted itself into an all-consuming hatred, which made him with the construction a secret army of landsuit mechas to launch an attack on the Bioroid Care Center, not to mention inlist the help of Briareos as a spy.
In his youth, Hades was a member of Los Angeles' S.W.A.T. team. However, his rash manner caused him to be kicked-out of that team by Carl Knute, Deunan's father. Since then, he hated the Knute family, and regreted that he wasn't the one who killed Carl. That hatred is intensified by the fact that part of Carl's D.N.A. is in everyone of the Bioroids created.
(Source: AbsoluteAnime, edited)
In his youth, Hades was a member of Los Angeles' S.W.A.T. team. However, his rash manner caused him to be kicked-out of that team by Carl Knute, Deunan's father. Since then, he hated the Knute family, and regreted that he wasn't the one who killed Carl. That hatred is intensified by the fact that part of Carl's D.N.A. is in everyone of the Bioroids created.
(Source: AbsoluteAnime, edited)
Appleseed (Movie)
Supporting Movie

Koyasu, Takehito
Love, Andrew
Stellrecht, Skip
Campuzano, Manuel
Kluckert, Tobias
Juhász, György
Rocabayera, Ramón